Simple ExpressJS file uploading web application

2 min readJul 5, 2019


There are situations when we would like to transfer files from mobile device to a computer/laptop/MAC. Google makes it easy to share when it’s all Google products. Apple does the same with Air Drop. If you would like to transfer among Android/MAC/iOS interchangeably, there are severals other options to explore. For example, Filezilla is a popular free file server that could be run in any machine. However it does not come with Web interface to upload files. There are other third party applications which are similar or better with more features. Each of these applications require a full installation. If you do not want to use these softwares, you could use phone USB cable to connect the device with your machine. If you are not interested to use cables, you could explore free cloud storage providers available in market.

However if you are like me, I am very lazy to grab wires to connect them. Most of the time I misplace those cables and it’s hard to find them. I also use wireless charging all the time and it is not handy to keep taking the wires out from the charger and connect it to a machine. I am also very concerned about what I share with any cloud provider. This laziness and privacy concerns have resulted in creation of the project

fileupload-web is a simple web application that you could run easily in any PC/MAC/Laptop where you would like to upload your files. If your machine has latest NodeJsand Yarn installed, you could run following commands to get a web server up and running with the file upload interface.

$ git clone
$ cd fileupload-web
$ yarn
$ yarn start

The application will be available @ http://localhost:3000 . Replace localhost with whatever the IP address of your machine is.

Go check it out and leave comment with your suggestions.




Written by @rnab

Typescript, Devops, Kubernetes, AWS, AI/ML, Algo Trading

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